The Nightwolf Photos

The following text and photos were taken with kind permission from Nightwolf's own web page.

Why I Like Gary Numan

Many of you reading this can probably relate to discovering Gary Numan's unique, innovative music in the morass of the late 70's. His "strage charm," cooly alien synthesized music, and intelligent lyrics of alienation quickly drew me in. I recall my best friend Doc and I listening to Gary after school, me toying with an electronic oscillator circuit and saying "y'know, we can do this, too!"

And then I graduated, life occurred, and I lost track of Gary -- and Doc -- through the mid-80's. It wasn't until I was idly flipping through the bins at a CD store that I discovered "The Skin Mechanic" -- and quickly became hooked again. I had so much catching up to do! And still do -- my collection of 25 Gary Numan CDs (well, many of them are those innumerable "collections") is still far from complete. But as I added New Anger, Outland, Sacrifice and Exile to my storage centre, my Gary appreciation continued to grow.

I'd been saving up for the trip to England to see Gary in concert when the Digest broke the news of the U.S. Tour. I quickly discovered Joey Lindstrom's awesome website and followed it daily, anticipating the shows (reviewed elsewhere). Of course, Gary exceeded even my highest expectations for an awesome performance.

Why do I like Gary Numan? His music is fantastic -- always changing, evolving, experimenting. The music makes you dance, the lyrics make you cry -- what more could you want? I respect Gary's perseverence, his drive, his talent, and his achievements. He's not afraid to be himself, to speak his mind, to say what he believes -- all in a fun, intelligent, and dance-able way. And, not least, from everything I can tell (including a momentary brush with him in New York) -- he seems like a genuinely nice person.

Oh, and there's a full-circle ending to this tale: Remember my best friend Doc? After losing track for about 10 years, I discovered Doc standing outside New York's Irving Plaza, where I was first in line for Gary's show. We had a great re-union, and can now stay in touch again. Doc had actually gone on and played keyboards for a band and doing farily well.

Thanks for everything, Gary!

Gary Numan Concert Reviews

May 1 - Philadelphia, PA - Theatre of the Living Arts


Wow! After all these years -- Gary! Well, to start at the beginning -- the pre-meet get-together at Starbuck's was terrific -- thanks Jim! It was so cool to be able to talk with other Numan fans! I got to hear a variety of fascinating Gary-related stories, and was getting good and excited for the show. While standing in line my wife and I started chatting with the people behind us -- Laura and Joe, the enthusiasm and anticipation building as we went inside and waited.

It was hard to believe it was really happening, but Gary finally strutted onto the stage -- sporting a cool black gothy coat, accompanied by a delightful Gary sneer and glare. And Gary rocked! I couldn't believe the amount of energy he put into the show -- working both sides of the stage, dancing and neck-snapping and teasing the audience. The beat was relentless and the man seemed inexhaustable. All in all, an awesome show. Most amusing moment: when gary told the crowd he "nearly shit his pants" he was so nervous before coming out. I think we put his fears to rest, as he had to have felt the appreciation from the crowd.

Afterwards we had a drink with Laura and Joe (drop me a line, guys!), hoarding our new-bought Numan goodies and relishing the experience of seeing Gary live. Pretty soon we had to head out for the next show...

May 2 - Irving Plaza - New York City, NY

  Anything is possible in New York! It's the coolest city. I have to say that, 'cuz that's where we actually bumped into Gary on the street! But that's another story... After the thrill of the Philly show, where we were one row back, we were determined to get up to the stage for this show, so we waited in the front of the line. That's when I saw my old best friend that I'd lost track of 10 years ago -- Doc! What a day! He was trying to score some tickets to the sold-out show -- unsuccessfully. We talked non-stop while in line, then it was time to go in... I got right in front, stage right. Wahoo!

You could feel the energy just sizzling in Irving Plaza. I loved the anticipation -- talking with the other hardcore Numan fans in the front row, including the zany Numanboy. The place was packed and sizzling with excitement -- and Gary didn't disappoint! He came on like a freight train and stormed the crowd over -- it was incredible! Surrounded by Numanoids and Goths, all dancing to the relentless Gary beat, it was a night never to be forgotten.

It was a couple songs into it before I noticed Gemma nearby to our right -- she was enjoying the show as much as the rest of us, and yelling encouragement to Gary! His reaction when he first saw her in the crowd was hilarious -- he sort of stumbled backwards a moment and smiled. Later he played "Absolution" for her -- beautiful.

David Brooks played so close in front of us we could reach out and touch the keys (but refrained). After the show, Richard Beasley gave his drumsticks to the woman right next to me (darn, I wasn't fast enough to grab 'em!). After that incredible show (the best of the lot), I was ready for some NYC cruisin', so we hopped into the Trans Am and headed for New England...

(P.S.: One cute incident -- just a couple of feet from where we talked to Gary in front of Irving Plaza were a couple of scalpers who were muttering "Gary Numan tickets" to passers-by. Had Gary just walked a couple of feet, they would have offered him the opportunity to buy scalped tickets to his own show. How I would love to have witnessed that scene!).

May 3 - The Middle East Club - Cambridge, MA

  You meet the nicest people in the Gary Numan concert lines! We had a great time chatting with a family from Boston -- cool people. Oh, and the food at the Middle East club is terrific, too (though finding your way around Boston is always entertaining...). The anticipation built splendidly as the line grew around the block for the sold out show.

We were fortunate to get right up to the stage in the packed little Middle East club downstairs -- a very small place with a knee-high stage -- Gary would be right in front of us! The crowd was all jammed together -- Numanboy and Hopey77 were just to my left -- and the place was hot as hell in the summer -- and jamming. The heat didn't stop Gary and band from pumping out an awesome show -- he had that place rocking. We all hooted and yelled and had a great time -- loved Gary's reaction to the "Jo the Waiter!" requests. One of the most entertaining moments was when Numanboy somehow -- in this jam-packed crowd -- managed to spin around dancing to I-forget-what-song -- and Gary was singing inches away from him and just had the funniest look, watching Numanboy's enthusiastic antics.

Gary et al may not remember the Cambridge show fondly due to the small size and heat, but for a Numan fan, it was an unforgettable experience -- the fun, excited crowd, the closeness of the stage, and the (as always) fantastic performance made this a fabulous show, and well worth the trouble to find the place and the 8-hour drive to D.C. the next morning...

May 4 - The 9:30 Club - Washington, D.C.

  Well, all I can say is that parking around the 9:30 club is... an interesting experience. To say the least. I shan't go to that place again, but it was well worth it for Gary.

As always, we had a great time talking to fellow Numan fans in the line before the show. We were entertained by watching Gemma and band (minus Gary) catch a cab shortly before the show -- going to eat, perhaps. Gemma looked terrific, as always.

Once inside, I got front stage center, right directly in front of the microphone! Wow! While waiting for the show to start we had a good time meeting new friends -- the Bazzells. At last Gary came out, and gave a fabulous performance, as he always does. It being a Monday night (and a crummy neighborhood), the crowd seemed a bit quieter than usual -- perhaps that was just in contrast to last night's energetically rowdy Cambridge crowd. No matter, Gary was awesome, and had even this quiet crowd rocking. The only sad part was this was our last show, until...

Switchblade Symphony Concert Reviews

May 1 - Philadelphia, PA - Theatre of the Living Arts

  My first ever Switchblade concert -- woo hoo! I only wished I'd known I could have snuck a camera in -- oh well, next time! Naturally I'm surrounded by hardcore Numan fans, but there's a small, devout group of young goths down front and centre, waiting for SbS. And soon they come out -- Tina in a black latexy stuff -- miniskirt with fishnets, top with pink polkadots, and of course the pigtails. Susan has a terrific blue dress. Sorry, George, can't recall your attire <s>! No matter, I'm there for the music -- and I couldn't believe how terrific they sounded live! I didn't think they could emulate their wonderful, eerie studio (CD) sound, but they do! And Tina's little dancey moves -- mmm, mm! During their set some idiots in the back shouted a couple snotty remarks; the little gothy group by us said "Don't worry Tina, we love you!" Tina handled it well, and went on to complete a great set -- the only problem was it was too short. After Gary as we were walking out I was pleased to hear some of the die-hard Gary's say they were going to pick up SbS CDs (I got a t-shirt, the stickers, and the Razor comic)...

May 2 - Irving Plaza - New York City, NY


I actually got to meet Tina!! We (my wife and I) were walking by the club hours before the show, when I noticed Tina by the band van... I didn't want to disturb her, but couldn't resist stopping to say how much we'd enjoyed the previous night's concerts, and how much we enjoy their music. Tina was, of course, very sweet and wonderful! Wow, the energy in Irving Plaza that night was really intense! Good gothy crowd too; much cooler than the Philly crowd. Sold out show. We got stage front right -- directly in front of Susan! Wahoo! I don't remember the details of the show, except it really was fantastic -- the crowd was into it, and so was the band. Definately a great, great show. Afterward I picked up another SbS t-shirt and stuff, then headed up to ...

May 3 - The Middle East Club - Cambridge, MA


Tiny little itty bitty place! Front just a little right of centre for an awesome show. Tina and Susan were right in front of us on a knee-high stage -- performing madly in the stifling heat of the sold-out club. It was a great, rowdy crowd and the songs felt all the more intense for the heat and closeness and intensity of it all.

What can I say? They sounded great, and gave an awesome performance! After their set, before Gary went on, Tina had to keep walking back and forth across the stage, and our little group just hooted and hollared, till finally Tina came over and thanked us with a big group HUG! I got to give her the rose I'd brought for just that occassion -- I had wanted some way to express my appreciation for her wonderful performances.

One of the most entertaining parts of the evening was during Gary's set, I could see Tina in the wings behind the stage, drinking a beer and doing her little Tina dance all during Gary's set! It was terrific!

May 4 - The 9:30 Club - Washington, D.C.

  D.C. -- Don't go to the 9:30 club unless you absolutely have to! Well, seeing SbS constitutes such a necessity, and made it worth all the hassles. I bumped into George outside (separate story) and he was a jolly splendid fellow. Unfortunately, it being a Monday night, the crowd was a bit quiet -- after the first song or so Tina addressed the audience "You're all so quiet!" After the rowdy good time at Cambridge the night before, it certainly was a quiet crowd! No matter, SbS did their always-terrific show -- sounded just terrific. I was thrilled when George saw me (I was front centre!) and smiled at me while he was playing. George and Tina were joking around on stage -- they're fun to watch. During one part (can't remember which), George did this thing where he just froze up stiff for a while, playing, then all of a sudden he'd cut loose and go bounding about the stage; then he'd freeze up stiff again and do it all over. That was pretty cool. Anyway, I'm hooked on seeing SbS live, and can't wait for my next great show...!