The Kathryn Silures/Larry Snider Photos

The following photos were taken by Kathryn Silures & Larry Snider at and around various gigs on the 1998 Exile Tour of North America. As with all the images found on this site, they are protected by copyright and you may not use them without the express written permission of Kathryn Silures and Larry Snider (which we have obtained).

Schmoozin' with the band.
Kathryn with Richard Beasley

Can you imagine trying to choose between 'em?
Kathryn with Gemma Webb

How 'bout between these two?
Riana Pfefferkorn with Kathryn

The moment that made the whole trip worthwhile!
Gemma, Kathryn, and Gary Numan

"Dave? What are you doing, Dave?"
(OK, it was funny at the time...)

"What? Where?!"

"I am NOT an ovum!"

The New Messiah

"Whoa! Streamers!"

"Warp 9, Mr. Orange!"


"Gary! She canna take much morrre!"

In the beginning there was nothing...
and then it melted.