The Gregor Torrence Photos

As a treat to my fellow digest subscribers, here are my tour photos for you all to enjoy. Click on a picture to see it full size. They're all around 500x700 pixels, and 30-70K in size. I think you'll get a sense for the intimacy of these two clubs despite my modest camera and crappy scanner. Feel free to keep copies of the pictures, but I'd rather you did not use them on your own website. (Except for you, Joey.)

Gary rocks the house

Gary Sings

Gary rips out the riffs and bangs his head.

I manage to stop banging my own head long enough to take more shots.

Gary pulls on himself. He needs to.

One very happy, tired, sweaty and much adored rock star.

Ade, Steven and David. (Sorry, but Richard hides behind those drums.)